Feeling anxious about meeting people and socialising is something that almost each and every one of us will experience to some degree at some stage in our lives.

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Bruxism is something many people suffer from, sometimes without even being aware that they are doing it and the cause really isn’t completely understood. Stop Teeth Grinding/Jaw Clenching

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We all begin life as “picky eaters”. The majority of people are born with a natural dislike of sour or bitter foods, which may be nature’s way of preventing us, as young children from eating potentially poisonous food that a child’s undeveloped digestive system just couldn’t cope with.

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Are you able to come to terms with the end of a relationship? Do you need help to really come to terms with the end of a meaningful relationship that has been bothering you in some way and you are having trouble putting it behind you……

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When someone loves, cares and supports deeply for others, the thought of them no longer being there can create emotional turmoil. Many people experience this as fear and insecurity when a person is seriously ill or when the person that they care about, job or lifestyle is bringing an element of danger to their lives.

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Autumn – Newsletter

We are currently operational and functioning as normal!

The well being of our clients is our top priority.

If you have a scheduled appointment , please let us know if any of the following ap ...

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We are currently operational and functioning as normal!

The well being of our clients is our top priority.

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Tinnitus is the perception of noise or ringing in the ears. It is a relatively common problem, affecting about 15 to 20 percent of people.

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Having restless legs can be a debilitating experience, and strangely, trying to relax can seem to make the syndrome worse!

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So what is Claustrophobia? Claustrophobia is often described as a fear of enclosed place. A more accurate description might be a fear of not having an easy escape route.

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