


Spring Newsletter - 2018

Gift Vouchers for Christmas - Right now there are 86 days until Christmas 2018!

Where has this year gone?

If you are on the lookout for a gift voucher look no further :) We have gift vouchers available for all our wonderful practitioners.

Come in and grab one or give us a call and we can post your voucher out to you.


The Attitude Makes the Difference. The Importance of Attitude:

Mental attitude has a huge impact upon physical health and well-being. Research has shown that improved physical health creates a strong expectant approach to life.

The mind can activate its’ own healing processes within the body.

Our attitudes have a lot to do with our own expectations and a person’s expectations have a lot to do with what they experience!  When there is an expectation to experience something in a particular way, the sub-conscious mind will do all it can to make that expectation become a reality.

  • For example, you will often hear people say that they need to be in a certain place at a certain time, they can’t cope with being late. The sub-conscious clock kicks in and raises a person’s awareness of the expected time and that they need to get a “wriggle on”. This happens purely because their sub-conscious mind has an expectation of being in a certain place at a certain time.

When we are positive – or have expectations that things will get better, the expectation works on every level of our beings.

So what is a positive, or for that matter a negative attitude?

Someone with a positive outlook, might expect that things will not necessarily be wonderful all of the time, yet still feel relatively positive that, whatever happens, they will handle it in the best way they possibly can.

However, someone with a negative attitude tends to believe that their negative experiences and feelings are not limited to the specific area that caused the concern (i.e. work, family or whatever it may be), everything will be ruined and nothing ever works out.  Someone with a typically negative attitude may also feel that when things are going well they are “too good to be true and won’t last”.  That when things are going badly that’s the way it’s going to be from here on in.

So you can understand that developing a positive approach to anything and everything can have a very positive impact on your health generally.  It creates a sense of positive expectancy – it helps things enormously to strongly and visually imagine things going well – it can actually help with immune function.  False hope is not the same as inner faith and positive expectation.  When we are given false hope we have not been properly informed about probable outcomes.  Please remember what is probable and what is possible are two different things and possibility can be an unknown quantity.

There are certain things we know for sure. Firstly, strongly focussing on wellness can encourage the body to be so much healthier.  This is because the body and its’ instincts are closely aligned to memory and imagination.  For example, if I recall being embarrassed, my instincts and body can take me to that time and I may even blush again.  If I dream of being someplace hot, like warming my hands by the fire, my hands will be often feeling warmer.  My body has responded to my imagination. This is what happens in hypnosis when someone imagines their hands being warm or cold, they are able to experience the changes.

We also know that deep rest and relaxation are great promoters of physical and mental health and well-being.  So even before you engage in constructive use of the imagination and subconscious positive expectancy, merely relaxing regularly will boost the levels of comfort and immune function.

So the message is clear, how we look at our health and our lives has a major impact on how long and well we live and significantly influences our health outcomes.  Naturally, there are some limits to the effect of mental attitudes on health, however, it has been proven that a positive conscious and sub-conscious attitude will make a difference.

How can hypnotherapy assist in promoting and regaining the sense of health and well-being?

Hypnotherapy can assist in:

  • improving a person’s positive outlook;
  • activate the body’s ability to heal and be healthier;
  • build the immune system;
  • instinctively learn to calm yourself down and think rationally; and
  • Build-up confidence and wellbeing and promote health


Immune System

Strengthen it, yes you can? Our bodies have an amazing capability to keep itself safe – we call it the “immune system”. And “YES” hypnotherapy can be utilised to boost and strengthen its’ capacity.

Major Causes of Health Problems are:

  • Stress;
  • Immune deficiency;
  • Injury or accident; or
  • Disease or other health related illnesses;

We all try to stay safe and well and keep ourselves protected from illness or injury and we use our immune system to help us do this.  The body has its own support mechanisms in place to try and prevent illness, using the skin, the mucosal linings, vomiting, sneezing, itching or coughing to try to stop those germs invading our internal space.  It also has its own “set of soldiers”, special cells that attack anything that tries to invade – actively attacking germs, eradicating and destroying them from within the blood stream.

Our white blood cells activity attack and attempt to destroy anything that enters the blood stream, the white cells actually move toward any area which becomes infected, attempting to break down any invading germ or disease.  Unfortunately, as the body also has harmless bacteria which are similar to invading germ cells, the immune system works to eradicate them which may even result in damage to its own cells.

Therefore, our immune systems have a series of protective cells which are designed to target particular invaders.  This is called our “adaptive immune system”, there are two main cells - B-cells and T-cells.  The B-cells use antibodies to fight off bacterial type infections, while the T-cells are utilised to fight against viral type infections.  The B-cells flow through the body, producing the appropriate antibodies that are required to fight off the various ‘enemies’ that try to invade.  The T-cells attempt to identify and destroy – there are also two types of T-cells, one, known as the ‘helper’, it finds and identifies any invaded cells and sets of the internal alert system; the other, known as the ‘killer’ is the special force that moves into destroy any invader.

For example:  it is widely understood that stress weakens our immune system and makes it harder to fight infection, therefore, regular relaxation will naturally improve the functioning of the immune response.

Therefore, allow the immune system to do its job by taking the time to relax out to relax.

Use hypnotherapy to assist in enhancing your immune system, it will assist in:

  • greatly reducing stress;
  • allow you to visualise and focus on positive images that counteract your specific illness or condition; and
  • allow you to visualise and focus on positive images that augment general and total healing;
  • allowing you to reduce illness and discomfort;
  • to assist with healing and recovery and to maintain good health; and
    • to construct a sound or improved health platform;
    • reduce stimulants,
    • improved personal safety,
    • early detection of changes within the body,
    • reduce the impact of stressful situations; and
    • negative conditioning and improve the quality of leisure time.

Through the use of hypnotherapy and guidance, Karen will be able to assist with ways of helping to improve your immune system and assist in overcoming health concerns and allow for feelings of freedom, empowerment, control and comfort within, which will benefit the body in so many ways.

Practitioner Bio's

Louise Reiki Master Teacher and Practitioner.

A qualified Indian Head Massage Therapist and is a full member of the International Institute of Complementary Therapists.

Louise brings more than 20 years of experience in education and psychology and combines this with the gentle philosophy of complementary therapies to offer holistic well-being services to adults and children of all ages to live happier, healthier and more contented lives.

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Matt, a psychologist

Having worked in this role for the past 18 or so years. He first started working as a psychologist in the disability field supporting adults and children with an intellectual disability as well as those with autism who had challenging behaviours. He has learnt a lot in the 6 years that he was in this role.

He doesn't believe in a one size fits all approach to treatment so how he works and supports each person depends on their individual needs and preferences.

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Stephanie is a Clinical (Mental Health) Social Worker and Psychotherapist,

Drawing on over 10 years of experience working clinically across the life span with individuals and groups in both the public and private sectors. 

Psychological therapy offers you the opportunity to address mental health disorders such as anxiety & depression, but also increase your self- awareness, feel understood and therefore understand your own emotions & behaviour more fully & work towards a more balanced and health relationship with yourself and those around you.

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Looking for a special Christmas gift? Gift vouchers are available from reception for all practitioners at Bodi and Mind - Karen Holt Clinical Hypnotherapy & Counselling or you can call 5223 2370 and have one posted to the address of your choice. Stress free gift giving? Done!

Check out the range of services we offer @


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