


Autumn – Winter Newsletter


If you haven’t had a massage before this read on, and if you have this will let you know how and what to expect from Virginia.

When you arrive you will be asked to fill in a client Health history form, you will need to fill in details of your current and past relevant health history so that Virginia can decide if Massage will be beneficial for you or if it will be harmful.

You will also need to let Virginia know of all current medication as this can interfere with massage and help to decide whether certain massage techniques should be undertaken or not.  

You will then be taken to the therapy room to meet Virginia who will ask some questions and let you know what treatment plan would be appropriate for you and ask you if this is acceptable to you.

At this point you need to let Virginia know if there is anything your not comfortable with or any areas of your body that you do not want massaged.  Virginia will leave the room after directing you to undress to your underwear and to lay on the Massage table either face up or down under a blanket or sheet.

Following a short interval, Virginia will knock on the door before entering and commence with your massage treatment.

Oil is used to help the therapists hands glide over the skin and the structures beneath it.  At any point during the massage you can let Virginia know if you are uncomfortable in anyway, or it is painful, too firm or not enough pressure, or to stop the massage.

The types of massage that Virginia does at Bodi and Mind - Karen Holt Clinical Hypnotherapy & Counselling are about the whole body and the outcome you, as the client and what you are looking for.  Most people want to have their body relaxed and to have any problem areas worked on, others only want certain parts done, for example: back, neck and shoulders.

Remedial Massage

Most clients choose a one hour massage, however, clients can book shorter or longer times. A shorter massage would be more specific to certain areas, whereas a longer massage will include the body from head to toe and working some of those areas that need it as well.

A relaxation massage typically will take an hour or up to two hours; whereas back, neck and shoulders may be done in as little as a half hour, however, Virginia would recommend at least 45 minutes.  

For a relaxation massage Virginia would typically have the client start face down on the massage table, commencing with long gliding strokes while the client gets used to the pressure and touch, using a stroke called petrisage which is a type of kneading to warm the muscles and help to bring movement to the fascia, also using fascial stretching to help with movement between the different structures and lots of gentle nurturing strokes to encourage the parasympathetic nervous system.  

Next Virginia will use similar strokes to the back of the legs and feet, then the client is requested to turn over under the blanket or sheet, then massaging continues with the front of the legs, the arms and hands, the neck and upper chest, finishing with the scalp and face. The client does not have to have all these areas massaged and can omit any part, or they may also like to add the belly, which is very therapeutic.

A remedial massage is not designed to be painful, but may be slightly uncomfortable at times, it is very important to let the therapist know if it is painful as this could be undoing some of the good work that has been done.  

Usually, there will be a problem area and this would be discussed at the initial consultation and generally followed with some testing to check for range of motion and to decide which structures are causing the issue. The treatment here is directed to specific areas, but may still include all the body being massaged as in relaxation massage to bring in a connectedness to the body and to bring about a relaxation response.

Having regular massage is beneficial to maintaining health and Virginia suggests every 4 to 8 weeks.

Therefore, make an appointment with Virginia to enhance your health at Bodi and Mind - Karen Holt Clinical Hypnotherapy & Counselling on Wednesday until late and Thursday.


Research on naps, yoga, meditation, hypnotherapy or even a nature walk and the habits of artists and athletes reveal how mental breaks increase productivity, replenish attention, solidify memories and encourage creativity.

Every now and then during the day or night— everyone begins to feel a little tired, yet we fail to understand the meaning or the impact.   Even beginning the day feeling OK, getting through the ever growing list of activities that need to be attended and respond to, sometimes becomes an ever growing mountain.   There is so much more to do—so much work to be done—but the brain is telling you to stop.  It's full and overflowing.  It is suffering congestion and needs some downtime.

When we take a break from the daily grind we gradually allow the mind to sort through a backlog of unprocessed data and to empty itself of accumulated concerns.  It’s like taking that well-earned holiday!!  “When you go on a break from the normal routines, it allows the base level of mental tension and busyness to totally evaporate.”  “It allows for everything to kind of settle down.”

Even if you are not committed to meditation, hypnosis or any other form of relaxation.  A survey of employees revealed that the average employee spends more than half their workdays receiving and managing information rather than using it to do their jobs; half of the surveyed workers also confessed that they were reaching a breaking point after which they would not be able to accommodate the deluge of data.  This is the reason why we need to take regular breaks during our busy days and to also take regular short holidays and schedule in at least one, two week break at some point during the busy year.

To summarize, our  brains are preoccupied with work much of the time, for the most we are devoted to perpetual busyness but this does not in fact translate to greater productivity and is not particularly healthy.  

Our brain requires substantial downtime to remain industrious and generate its most innovative ideas?  "Idleness is not just a vacation, an indulgence or a vice; it is as indispensable to the brain as vitamin D is to the body, and deprived of it we can become dysfunctional.

It allows us to stop and reflect, to reassess and to work out where we want to go and then move forward with greater clarity of mind.

Hypnosis can help to balance and declutter the mind, thereby releasing the body from the continual download of too much information – too much processing.  This allows the body to regain equilibrium and to have clearer thought processes.

Through the use of hypnotherapy and guidance, Karen will be able to assist you in training the body too relax and create space within, which will provide for greater clarity of mind and enjoyment of life.

VIDEO: Laughing baby (1:40) 

Scientific research supports the belief that laughter boosts your immune system and curbs the production of stress hormones. If you haven’t laughed in a while, the laughing baby in the following video is just what you need to lighten your mood. (video provided through ASCH)


recipe– quick and easy

Frittazza –It is a winner for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner (Vegetarian

Frittatas are one of my favourite dishes,  This particular recipe came about due to a craving for pizza (!) and  commitment to keeping things clean and healthy. So, frittata and pizza gave birth to Frittazza!  I promise it will hit the spot. All the flavours are there, just without the crust!

Ingredients (serves 4-6)

  • 12 organic eggs
  • 35g goat’s feta
  • Olive oil for sautéing
  • ½ brown onion, peeled and sliced
  • 100g bocconcini or buffalo mozzarella, sliced
  • 50g semi sundried tomatoes, halved lengthways
  • 5 pitted Kalamata olives, sliced
  • 8-10 fresh basil leaves
  • Pinch dried chili flakes
  • Salt and pepper to taste


Preheat oven to 180°C.

Crack eggs into a mixing bowl and beat. Add the feta and season with salt and pepper. Set aside.

Heat a little olive oil in a deep oven proof frying pan approximately 28cm diameter. Add the onion and sauté for 3 minutes or until translucent

With the frying pan still on medium heat, pour the egg mixture on top. Arrange the bocconcini (or buffalo mozzarella), sundried tomatoes, olives and basil leaves on top. Sprinkle with chili flakes.

Transfer pan into the oven and bake for 20 minutes, or until eggs are cooked through.

Remove from oven and allow to cool slightly before serving.


SERVICES AVAILABLE AT Bodi and Mind - Karen Holt Clinical Hypnotherapy & Counselling


Psychology – Andrew Winter

Psychology – Matt Nolan

Psychology (Neuro) – Linda Borg

Psychology – Ivanna Cox

Psychotherapy & Counselling – Stephanie Thwaites

Psychotherapy & Counselling (Relationships) – Chris Tuttle

Psychotherapy & Counselling (Drug & Alcohol) – Geoff Lane

Hypnotherapy & Counselling – Karen Holt

Remedial Masseuse – Virginia Dyson

Naturopathy – Michelle Reynolds

Reconnective Healing – Amber Birkin

Receptionist – Rachel Beard
