
Improved Motivation

You will already be motivated to some degree, there are a number of areas that will have been noticed and they will range from the physiological to the psychological, as defined by Psychologist Abraham Maslow, these are: 


The need for food, drink, sleep, and sex.


The need for protection, to be free of fear and the need for structure and order.

Belongingness and love:

The need to have social contact, friends and intimacy.


The need to have esteem of others and to feel self-esteem, to be valued and important.

Self actualization

The need to grow, to use one’s potential.

You may have already noticed that you have obtained parts of these motivation levels, however, to continue to improve the motivation levels and to improve the levels of success:

  • there is a need to overcome the fear of failure;
  • establish and pinpoint goals, and
  • obtain a sense of completion and reward.

Therefore, allow hypnotherapy and counselling to assist you in:

  • Maintaining a positive outlook and attitude;
  • Achieving specific goals;
  • That you are comfortable in your success.

For further information contact us on (03) 5223 2370 or via email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

