
Teeth Grinding also known as “Bruxism”

It certainly appears to be linked to stress, and when a person is tense, worried or under pressure for any reason, they may find that this triggers a period of grinding or jaw clenching.

Substances like caffeine, alcohol, and many recreational drugs are also known to cause significant impact and in fact worsen teeth grinding. Some people find that supplementing their diet with extra magnesium and B vitamins can be helpful and some people certainly find wearing a mouth guard at night can help to protect the teeth and in some cases it can also help to eliminate the grinding habit.

Most people tend to grind their teeth when they are sleeping, however, some people also grind their teeth during the day. Perhaps you have sometimes found yourself waking up in the morning with painful, sensitive teeth or with an aching jaw or even a headache. Perhaps you may have also experienced ongoing dental problems as a result of your grinding, such as chipped or cracked teeth, or worn down enamel.

It can also be very frustrating to know that, at some level, the damage to your teeth has been of your own doing, because even though teeth grinding isn’t something you are doing consciously or deliberately, at a deep subconscious level, it is a bad habit that your jaw muscles have been engaging in, even though you typically don’t know you have been doing it.

So, at a fundamental level, teeth grinding is simply a bad habit, and any habit can be changed.

Jaw Clenching or “TMJ” - Temporomandibular Joint disorders

Temporomandibular joint disorders (TMJ) can also cause severe pain and discomfort and is also very common.

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the joint that connects your jaw to your skull. There is one on each side of your face, in front of each ear. These joints allow the movements needed for speaking, eating and facial expression.

If you have a TMJ Disorder, you may have:

  • discomfort or pain in the jaw, especially when eating;
  • an aching pain in front of your ear, which may spread to your face;
  • ‘locking’ of the jaw, making it difficult to open or close your mouth;
  • a clicking or grating noise when you open your mouth or chew; or
  • an uncomfortable or uneven bite.

TMJ disorders can be caused by a number of different things, including:

  • Dental tooth issues – for example, if you have new fillings or dentures causing an uneven bite;
  • wear and tear of the joint, usually caused by osteoarthritis;
  • an injury;
  • jaw clenching and teeth grinding, which may be linked to stress or anxiety; or
  • other diseases, such as gout, fibromyalgia or rheumatoid arthritis.

  • Sometimes, people have TMJ Disorders without any obvious cause.

TMJ Disorder pain may go away without any treatment, however, in the meantime, there is plenty you can do to relieve the symptoms:

  • eat soft food;
  • avoid chewing gum;
  • cut all food into small pieces;
  • avoid clenching your jaw;
  • avoid opening your mouth wide;
  • wear a mouthguard while you sleep to prevent jaw clenching or teeth grinding; or by
  • undertaking hypnotherapy to assist with release of stress, tension to relax the different muscle groups and change the sub-conscious habits that are causing the distress/habit.

Other techniques include:

  • visualisation, where you create a mental image of a calming place for yourself;
  • deep breathing, where you refocus your attention on your breathing;
  • meditation;
  • mindfulness; or
  • exercise.

Therefore, use hypnotherapy to:

  • change the responses to those situation that are causing the concerns and provide yourself with the optimal learning state for the brain to make lasting positive changes in your subconscious habits, and it will also allow you to develop control over aspects of the body that are normally completely subconscious.

In other words hypnosis offers you a way to speak directly to the body and to the subconscious mind, to change deep seated subconscious habits and to heal physical conditions.

For further information contact us on (03) 5223 2370 or via email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Image credit: piqsels
