
Trusting in yourself

Like anyone, at any time you most likely have sometimes doubted your own abilities, if you get nervous or self-conscious at times, or you let opportunities in life pass you by because you don’t have enough faith in yourself to pursue them, how can you develop greater trust in yourself?

On top of that, the idea of trusting yourself and having complete faith in your own abilities sounds great, however, if you have no experience of sailing a boat, then it obviously wouldn’t be very wise to completely trust that you can just step into it and sail like a professional yachtsmen would do.

This is often why many people have inconsequential doubts when they hear that old cliché of “all you need is to believe in yourself”. In reality, of course, like anything in life, we need skills, dedication and hard work, not just self-belief.

So rather than trying to just pump up that sense of self confidence, hypnosis will assist you to learn to trust yourself in a calm, relaxed and genuine way, with a firm logic of inner trust that’s firmly grounded in reality. There are so many skills and abilities that you have learnt over the years that you know you can do, simple everyday tasks like making a cup of coffee, writing you name, walking down the street to more complex things like your profession, or playing a particular sport, a musical instrument, or whatever hobbies and interests you have picked up over the years.

It all works out because, when you have practised something enough times, you start to do it better – so instinctively than you can ever do it if you were thinking about it (consciously). For example, a professional football player needs to kick the football thousands of time so that they are able to hone their skills and perfect the stance, run or aim for the goal. Every sports player knows that if you start to over think what you are doing then it interferes with your performance. It is just like that old story, if you think about things too much, we over analyse and we start to doubt our abilities even more, we become so confused that we fall in a heap and just give up.

When I’m giving a public talk, I don’t need to consciously struggle to keep every part of that talk in my mind as I begin, I can simply trust that, as I move through each stage of the presentation, that the next point will come to me as the talk unfolds, however, if I were talking about a topic I know nothing about, like rare animals in the Amazon, I wouldn’t have that kind of trust in myself, however, because I’m speaking about topics I know and understand, it supports me through those presentations.

It is true about any skill you have learnt in life. When you first learnt to write, to ride a bike, or even walk or talk, you needed to devote a lot of conscious attention to the task - once you practised that skill many times, you performed much better when you forget about it consciously and begin to trust yourself to do it instinctively and spontaneously. Instinctive leaning is something your brain is built to do, and it’s very good at it, allowing you to develop a strong sense of how many instinctive skills and abilities you have within yourself and how capable your brain is of learning what it needs to know.

Therefore, allow hypnotherapy and counselling to assist you to:

  • build your self-belief;
  • use your imagination to practise being the way you want to be,
  • Let the subconscious mind know of the framework that you want to act on;
  • Learn to use the subconscious mind to act spontaneously, respond to the images created making them a reality – just like learning to ride a bike or driving a car;
  • Engage all of the body’s senses to create the life you want – see it, feel it, hear it, taste it or even smell the life you would like to have and all of the components that go with it; and
  • Use your imagination to be and act in certain ways, be able to name it.

For further information contact us on (03) 5223 2370 or via email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  
Karen Holt Clinical Hypnotherapy and Counselling
Clinical Hypnotherapist


Image by dougandpetegardening from Pixabay
